Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Fifth World: An Introduction

Upcoming Exhibition

The Fifth World: An Introduction
Min Hyung
April 1 – April 28th

Skew Gallery, Calgary, Alberta

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Upcoming Show

Global Art Fair & Festival 2009
Where : Incheon - Songdo Convensia , Korea
Opening : Angust 7th, 6 p.m.

Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition Award Winners,2010
First Canadian Gallery, Toronto

Hearbreak Hotel
Freight + Volume Gallery, New York
July 16 - September 12, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

BANK on ART is a project showcasing contemporary artworks on the display screen of a functional bank machine. Developed by artist and cu-rator Kelly McCray, this money-dispensing ATM features images producedby contemporary artists before and after each banking transaction.The objective isto engage and expose the general public to the work of artists through anexisting routine activity. Every Saterday in August , my painting is displaying on ATM machine at 952 Queen St. West, Toronto.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Group Show in Freight + Volume Gallery In New York.
opening is July 16 th, 6-8 p.m.
The Show continues until Sept 12th, 2009
542 west 24th Atreet New York, NY USA 10011

2010 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition Award Winners, First Canadian Place Gallery, Toronto Canada (upcoming)

2009 Best Student Painting Award: 48th Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition

Monday, May 25, 2009

Upcoming Exhibitions

2009 June 2nd, Daimler Financial Services has chosen Min Hyung, some faculty and alumni of OCAD Drawing and Painting Department together with select Graduates students of OCAD 2009, to exhibit together as a community with a professional catalogue to record the exhibition. The quality of works selected is very high and the resulting exhibition and catalogue will be amazing.

2009 July 10 to 12, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Toronto, ON.
- Student section, Blue North , Booth 802

2009 June 12 to 18, INCHEON Global cities Arts Grand Festival, Incheon, Korea

- Place : Incheon Art and Cultural Center
- Opening ceremony : June 12th (Friday) at 6 p.m.

Monday, January 12, 2009

"Uniformitarian Principle" reviewed in The Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail

Min Hyung’s recent exhibition at Angell Gallery received glowing reviews from both the Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail.This is what the critics had to say:"Hyung is a remarkably gusty painter, liberally borrowing some of the best ideas around – note her fondness for architectural references – and not being in the least bit apologetic about it...."~Peter Goddard, The Toronto Star"Any artist who comes up with a killer painting title like Min Hyung's Blow Spaces Away from The Whirling Blades of the Fan is surely halfway home. And the wondrously berserk painting that proudly shoulders her kinetic title - a central part of Hyung's exhibition called Uniformitarian Principle - is a barn-burner."~ Gary Michael Dault, The Globe and MailAs well as the two reviews, Min’s work has been added to the FemmArte and Colart collections. FemmArte is a private investment club dedicated to building a prestigious collection of women's art, by predominantly Canadian female artists. The Colart collection based in Montreal, supports emerging Canadian artists.
Click to read full Globe and Mail article
Click to read full Toronto Star article